April 4, 2020
My first official blog! Thank you for stopping by!
I understand that it may seem silly for a travel agency to have a blog, but why not? Especially with all that's going on in the crux of COVID-19, Coronavirus, or " the Rona", now more than ever, having a travel agent (or advisor or magician, however you refer to us ;o]) by your side to navigate through this time for your booked vacation is vital!
Even before I became a travel agent and opened my own travel agency, I used a travel agent, 100% of the time! It's a no-brainer for me. The fact that I had a person I could contact for any reason about my trip, at anytime was comforting to me. I paid service fees. The way I looked at a service fee was the same way I looked at a co-pay at a doctor's office. I valued my travel agent's time and effort and was never disappointed!
Within the past couple of weeks, I've had to get a group of 20 out of Europe safe and sound, rebook 50 cancelled cruises, 5 honeymoons and 2 destination weddings!! While I've had to spend countless hours with airlines, cruise lines, resorts and the like, I wouldn't have traded it for anything in the world. My clients' safety comes first. They look to me for my expertise and guidance and were very relieved to know that I was working on their behalf! In the midst of this, I got to thinking, what if they had booked with an Online Travel Agency (OTA) such as Costco? What level of service would they have gotten? Would they have felt as relieved? Calling an 800 number and gotten a different person every time they called with a response different from the last? Would the 800 number have worked with them to rebook their flights or find out the best options for them? I'm guessing no. I could be wrong, I'm sure there are some exceptions. Then I thought more, would you trust a several thousand dollar vacation investment to an OTA? Would you purchase Travel Insurance? If you were stuck in Europe trying to get home, would you be satisfied with 800 number service?
My goal with this blog is to educate, entertain, and enlighten what is means to be a travel agent, and the benefits of using a travel agency. We'll talk about many destinations, how the travel landscape has changed with COVID-19, what the current "hot spots" are and then some! I'll share travel tips, post location reviews and I'll even offer promotions available only to you!
Thanks for stopping by!
Picture taken by me May 2015 on Grand Turk Island
GDS Travel Solutions
Consider Yourself, THERE!
www.gdstravelsolutions.com | info@gdstravelsolutions.com | #gdstravels #travelblog #travelagent #Travelagency #Travelagentsrock #vacation #booktravel #COVID19 #coronavirus #therona